Outside Space is the environment of imagination that constructs the illusory landscapes of inner geography, and emotional weather systems through colour and brushstroke
Crow River Accordion Book
Sunshine Crow Spinner, Rusted Metal Sculpture, Paper, 8"x 8" x 2"
Disappearing Prairie: acrylic/ collage paper
War Weather: acrylic on paper, 22"x26"
Outside space is Weather: wind, rain, temperature and atmosphere
Crow Blocks, Acrylic on paper 22"x26"
Outside space is Season: growth, bloom, shrivel, fall
Shape, Space, side to side: acrylic/paper collage
Outside Space is freedom: boundless, intersecting, chaotic
Sky, Water, Day, Night, acrylic/paper collage
Outside Space is Air: breath, wind, flight beyond
Sun, Water: acrylic/paper collage
Outside Space is Direction: up, down, through, within, beyond