“Imagination sympathizes with the being that inhabits the protected space.”* This series of collage templates/sculptures recycles and re-forms memories, reusing and reconstructing previous artwork through alteration, distortion of space, scale and structure, to create the personality of home and lived experience.
*(Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, ,Penguin Classics, 2014, pg. 149)
TV Genie, Paper, acrylic, collage sculpture, 11"x16"x5"
TV Genie Template, Paper, acrylic, collage sculpture, 26"x22"
TV Genie, Paper, acrylic, collage sculpture, 11"x16"x5"
TV Genie, Paper, acrylic, collage sculpture, 11"x16"x5"
Summer Dreams: acrylic collage 26"x22"
Summer Dreams: acrylic collage, 7"x12"x7"
Summer Dreams: acrylic collage 26"x22"
Snakes and Ladders Template, acrylic collage 26"x20"
Snakes and Ladders: Paper, acrylic collage, 7"x12"x7"